Embodied Yoga Principles e-books

A practical guide to deepening asana psychologically and getting yoga off the mat and into your life. For Yoga teachers and experienced practitioners, or people looking to make a deeper link between yoga and life by Mark Walsh.
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“Embodied Yoga Principles has added a layer to my classes which enables students to explore their posture practice in a deeper way, without demanding specific spiritual beliefs, cultural paraphernalia, dogma or philosophical complexity. It’s simple, practical and pragmatic yet gives people the opportunity to explore meaning and change in their lives off the mat” – Karin Van Maanen – Yoga & Mindfulness Tutor MSc, Dip BWY
Why would anyone be interested in Embodied Yoga Principles?
Imagine you could improve how much your yoga positively impacts what you care about, your relationships, your work, study or wherever your passion is in life. Practicing yoga in a way to gain insights and learning skills to better handle anything that life throws at you.
Bring your values to the yoga mat,make it a place to grow as a person. Yoga can be so much more than it is currently generally being presented and so much more useful for all of your life.
What you’ll get from this book:
– The principles of effective learning transfer from the yoga mat to the rest of your life.
– Pragmatic techniques for enhancing how your personal practice impacts what you care about.
– Unique teaching tools to help your students enrich their yoga.
This book can be read straight through as a conventional book to extract the information, however, learning about something is a fairly shallow level of learning and there are deeper options here too. I assume readers already have some kind of regular yoga practice to play with and maybe a teaching practice, so there’s various experiments that can be integrated here. This book isn’t aimed at complete beginners or yoga fundamentalists who regard one style as gospel.
You may find it particularly helpful to review the book immediately before or after a yoga session for practice ideas and reflections. Most importantly it’s a guide for practice, more akin to an owners-manual or cookbook than a theoretical treatise.
It’s a practical “how to” book.
Try what’s here and make up your own mind as to whether there’s truth in the ideas. Don’t believe a word I say, find out for yourself experientially. There are many sub-sections labelled “practice”, “reflection” and “experiment” as reminders to do this. Reflections can be done in pairs and groups as discussions, and this can be a lovely way of integrating learning, being held accountable and getting support for any changes you decide to make to your teaching or personal practice. I’d love you to share this book with a colleague for mutual learning.
Links to many videos are also included. It’s not necessary to watch these to understand the book, however, they’re there if you wish to dive deeper into any topic or clarify an idea. This is a fairly concise book and many of the ideas are better demonstrated than explained verbally, so if an idea is confusing, do take a look at any accompanying videos. You can see the concepts in action with real participants in many instances this is usually helpful.