Mark is interviewed by Mastering the Business of Yoga
You can listen to the Mastering the Business of Yoga podcast interview with Mark here. Mark joined Amanda Kingsmith from Mastering the...

Embodied Yoga Principles at Brighton Yoga Festival
There will be 2 Embodied Yoga Principles classes this year at the Brighton Yoga Festival Saturday 14th July 12noon 'Yoga for your whole...

Being, seeing, being seen
It’s 6.30am, a beautiful spring morning and the early light woke me at 6. As I lingered in bed I remembered my commitment to writing a...

Is the yoga pose I love actually what I need?
Recently this understanding; Embodied Yoga Principle (EYP) helps you design the best yoga practise for you. It is a tool that cultivates...

Your Recipe for a Partner Yoga Workshop
An Embodied Yoga Principles approach to Partner or Group Yoga can reveal deep insights about our relationships with others, in a safe and...

What is an “embodied” approach to yoga?
Short answer: one which focuses on awareness and development of how we are as people through the body. Long answer: I’ve seen some...

Swedish Embodied Yoga Principle Teacher Training
Recent article about Embodied Yoga Principles featuring Swedish Embodied Yoga Principles Teachers Angelica Nanda Schäfer and JoJo Norell,...

Life transfer - how to get yoga off the mat
- Have a safe supportive social context - the “container” - Intention (good but alone inefficient) - Mindfulness and emotional engagement...

We live in a badly self-regulated disconnected time
We live in a badly self-regulated disconnected time. Basically we’re lonely toddlers in tantrum land. And yeah, me included many days....
Embodied Yoga Principles Interview for Yoga Journal in Russia
Mark Walsh was interviewed for the Yoga Journal in Russia. You can see the interview as a PDF document